Sunday, 19 January 2025

Greek Philosophy


Thalies-> The philosopher , who said that the earth floats on water 

Anaxmandeo->  he stated that the earth is shaped as a cylinder and the Human evolved from the fish.

Anaximenes -> Earth , sun, moon and planets are all flat bodies 

Phythagoras-> the Phythagoras principal 

Heraclitus ->  he said that " you can not step on the same river twice "

Parmenides-> stated " the world that we experiencing is constantly changing "

Empedocles -> That all mater is made up of just four elements Earth , air , and fire 

Hippocrates-> he was a physician 

Demicritus -> all matter is made up of tiny participles called atoms 

Socrates -> he pioneered the Scocratic method of probing questions to help people to think more carefully 

Plato ->He was the founder of the School of Philosophy 

Aristotle-> He wrote the first book of biology, he classified many animals to the study of their internal anatomy. he also traced the development of the Embryos 

Lyceum-> He wrote on a wide range of subjects including physics , biology , botany , chemistry History , politics, and Geography 

he also introduced the study of reasoning and argument 

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