Monday 1 January 2018

A desert Traveller

Far beyond the desert land
As one may travel along the sand
To a distant land
With a camel and a empty jar
Across the sahara sand

For every step he takes
It is if he was to fall into a lake
For the heat of the sun and dusty sand
Gives his tiers head a spin

AS he stand on boiling soil
He pleads and prays for nothing else
But a cool breeze

And water for him and his beast 


Sent did the mighty one
Into the plain of cry and sin
A lamb the holy one
How died for our sine

Cleaned did he our hearts
And name us after the heavenly starts
And gave did he a staff and shield
That we may fight the evils of this land

Clothed us he
With the cloths of peace and purity
That we may proclaim his name and the same
And thus glorify his name

For he who lived on earth
Did all the same
And now in heave
He calls out our name
To live a life in his will and not in pride
So to bring all us to his side
And live for ever more
In heavenly paradise
So let us now return
To this holy man
And give our life and sole for his own

And be children of his very own 

The Poor

Such a terrible tragedy
Has stayed in our society
To throw a potion of our race
In to deserted place  

Is this justice we do
To this multitude crew
To separate them from us
For what they do

It is to heat them
For what they are
Or to love them as we are

Why the anger and disgust
That we show to them
Is it of evil that stays in us
Or of the rust in our crust

Is it not totally insane
To give them all this pain
For aren’t they the same

Humane to live in this earthly plain 


Those are the ones
Who stand with you
In air and nowhere

They lift your hopes
And heal your wounds
They are ones that give you a smile
And dries the tears
From your eye

They may be close by your side or far apart
Or had departed from the worldly lights
But their presence in your mind
Will never leave your side  
For friends they are to you
And magic it is that binds you to all
For friendship is that burns
The flames of peace and joy
In the hearts of those
Who call them
The sons of the soil
So let us not scatter apart
Now show difference in any part
But, until under the light
As one with a fight
Let us join hands with friendly might
With everyone on sight

For friendship is till end
In your heart that you may see
So let us gather
And make friends in the world
For my child you have to see

For we are members of one human family