Tuesday, 28 January 2025

True Conscious Maturity


When you are alone mind your thoughts

When you are with family and friends mind your tongue

When you are in a Crowd mind you behavior

When you are disrespected mind your temperament

When you are in trouble mind your emotions

When God Bless your Mind your Ego

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Greek Philosophy


Thalies-> The philosopher , who said that the earth floats on water 

Anaxmandeo->  he stated that the earth is shaped as a cylinder and the Human evolved from the fish.

Anaximenes -> Earth , sun, moon and planets are all flat bodies 

Phythagoras-> the Phythagoras principal 

Heraclitus ->  he said that " you can not step on the same river twice "

Parmenides-> stated " the world that we experiencing is constantly changing "

Empedocles -> That all mater is made up of just four elements Earth , air , and fire 

Hippocrates-> he was a physician 

Demicritus -> all matter is made up of tiny participles called atoms 

Socrates -> he pioneered the Scocratic method of probing questions to help people to think more carefully 

Plato ->He was the founder of the School of Philosophy 

Aristotle-> He wrote the first book of biology, he classified many animals to the study of their internal anatomy. he also traced the development of the Embryos 

Lyceum-> He wrote on a wide range of subjects including physics , biology , botany , chemistry History , politics, and Geography 

he also introduced the study of reasoning and argument 

Thursday, 18 April 2024

You Are Your own Author.

 how many times , do we have to fall , to know the basic laws of life. We being human , "the Social Creature" finds an eager to be among the group . the Heartless . 

the Only responsibly we have is to ourselves , because, it all comes to this. That we are asked to the question as to What we did , and what we did not do, and never what others did to us , it does not matter if we were the clown for many others , no one cares , except your immediate family even they have their limitation.

you came alone , and you will leave alone ,so never live a life forgetting yourself. because , only you will be asked as to how did you live your life . and what did you do to the lives that was given in your hands to raise . because your children .only will reflect you .

so never forget the following discipline 

1:know what you want in life,  (principal , not materialistic) 

2 imagine , if your hole life was changed into a Book , and this book , was on a shelf , in some library , and you happen to see the Book, ask yourself ,

a} would you like to read the book , 

b)would you recommend your life "the Book "to anyone in the library to read, 

c) or would you be ashamed or even scared  fearing if someone took the book "your life " to read.

3) know what you what to be in you Book , 

your are the author and editor of your book , but it important to make the changes before the book is published .Go back to the pages , and evaluate yourself , make the corrections. It would be good to start a Journal , for your self evaluation,

 A Journal has many benefits.

1) it helps you to have a self evaluation on a daily basis, 

2) it helps you to know if you are going to the path of the journey of life that you really what to go or end up being .

3)if you are person , who complains to yourself that God is not favoring you, your journal will help have an open eye, of Gratitude, and your will be able to See God even in the smallest things to the Biggest helping you in every way .

it might help you to rebuild yourself , or evaluate yourself . 

Ask yourself everyday or once in a will at least , if you were lying on your grave, today. What kind of a person would like everyone attending your funeral to think of you, and say about in their harts. 

what would your make your "Maker think of YOu" , Well done.....!  or "?"

it all depends , on the how you write your life , it not the tip of pen that matters, it is what you write with it that matters..